-- card: 22318 from stack: in.0 -- bmap block id: 22695 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 15491 -- name: graphics ----- HyperTalk script ----- on closeCard reset end closeCard on reset lock screen choose select tool drag from 79,138 to 412,285 doMenu "clear picture" choose browse tool hide tool window hide pattern window unlock screen with dissolve end reset -- part 1 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 2000 -- rect: left=205 top=287 right=330 bottom=255 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: drawIt ----- HyperTalk script ----- -- Draw the hammer graphic on mouseUp reset set cursor to none show tool window at "49,160" show pattern window at "349,160" wait 50 choose line tool set the lineSize to 1 --top: drag from 159,163 to 159,157 drag from 159,157 to 154,154 drag from 154,154 to 148,154 drag from 148,154 to 134,163 drag from 134,163 to 134,165 drag from 134,165 to 148,157 wait 30 --edge of Top: drag from 134,165 to 136,169 drag from 136,169 to 140,165 drag from 140,165 to 149,160 drag from 149,160 to 157,161 drag from 157,161 to 158,162 wait 30 --connection to part that hits: drag from 159,158 to 167,159 drag from 167,159 to 167,165 drag from 167,165 to 159,163 wait 30 --side of top: drag from 136,169 to 139,171 drag from 139,171 to 148,165 drag from 148,165 to 149,169 drag from 149,169 to 154,169 drag from 154,169 to 159,166 drag from 159,166 to 167,167 drag from 167,167 to 167,165 wait 30 --the part you hit the nail with: drag from 167,167 to 167,169 drag from 167,169 to 172,169 drag from 172,169 to 172,157 drag from 172,157 to 167,157 drag from 167,157 to 167,165 wait 30 --step down 1: drag from 149,169 to 149,172 drag from 149,172 to 157,172 drag from 157,172 to 159,166 wait 30 --step down 2: drag from 149,172 to 150,178 drag from 150,178 to 156,178 drag from 156,178 to 157,172 wait 30 --middle of handle: drag from 150,178 to 150,201 drag from 150,201 to 145,265 drag from 145,265 to 149,266 drag from 149,266 to 154,266 drag from 154,266 to 157,265 drag from 157,265 to 156,201 drag from 156,201 to 156,178 wait 30 --left edge of handle: drag from 150,178 to 148,201 drag from 148,201 to 143,264 drag from 143,264 to 145,265 wait 30 --right edge of handle: drag from 156,178 to 158,218 drag from 158,218 to 160,262 drag from 160,262 to 157,265 wait 30 --select the hammer to trace edges choose select tool drag from 125,148 to 193,272 wait 30 doMenu "trace edges" wait 30 --fill in the hammer with patterns choose bucket tool set pattern to 12 click at 153,157 click at 154,164 click at 163,162 click at 154,164 click at 154,175 click at 170,163 wait 30 set pattern to 35 click at 152,248 wait 30 set pattern to 13 click at 157,199 wait 30 --copy the hammer choose select tool drag from 125,148 to 193,272 doMenu "copy picture" doMenu "paste picture" wait 30 drag from 159,210 to 300,210 doMenu "flip horizontal" wait 30 choose text tool set textStyle to extend,bold set textAlign to center set textSize to 14 set textFont to Futura click at 229,186 type "HyperCard—" & return & "An Information" & return & "Management" & return & "Tool" wait 30 hide tool window hide pattern window choose browse tool end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- HyperCard comes with its own set of painting tools.You can use these tools at any time while you are making a stack. (You can also import graphics from any program that saves in the MacPaint format.) Click the animation button to see a drawing produced with the tools.